As I Please: 1943-1945

A Classics, Writing, Essays book. Ante todo, un aviso a los periodistas ingleses de izquierda y a los intelectuales en...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 435 pages
  • ISBN: 9781567921359 / 1567921353
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More About As I Please: 1943-1945

A not-too-distant explosion shakes the house, the windows rattle in their sockets, and in the next room the class of 1964 wakes up and lets out a yell or two. Each time this happens I find myself thinking, "Is it possible that human beings can continue with this lunacy very much longer?" You know the answer, of course. George Orwell, As I Please: 1943-1945 // * *Do remember that dishonesty and cowardice always have to be paid for.*Dont imagine that for years on end you can make yourself the boot-licking propagandist of the Soviet rgime, or any other rgime, and then suddenly return to mental decency. Once a whore, always a whore. George Orwell, As I Please: 1943-1945 // As time goes on and the horrors pile up, the mind seems to secrete a sort of self-protecting ignorance which needs a harder and harder shock to pierce it, just as the body will become immunised to a drug and require bigger and bigger doses. George Orwell, As I Please: 1943-1945 //

The four volumes of this collection (4 in the old Penguin edition) not only reveal the development of Orwell's thought throughout his literary and political life but provide a wide-ranging view of the intellectual life of his time as well as the social conditions of his country. Settled views and attitudes can be frequently challenged... One of the entertaining things about offering reviews of Orwells essays is that I find myself increasingly applying his own method of critique to what he himself says. This is actually a compliment, since it suggests that my own style of reviewing has become influenced by Orwells style of reviewing books.This style is one of looking... This is kind of a boring-looking book "letters and essays 1943-1945." When it showed up I wondered what I had been thinking and then every time I opened it I was shocked by just how interested in it I was. Orwell is so alarmingly sharp and honest, but what is maybe most remarkable is what good company he is. To me, much like David Foster...

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