Dawson Bride

A Erotica, Shapeshifters, Adult Fiction book. In addition to the copious typographical errors, I felt like the pacing was a...

Werewolves meet the Wild West in this thrilling final installment of the Wolf Brides trilogy. Lucianna Whitlock has her entire life planned out for her by men determined to use her as a pawn in high society marriage games. But when she balks against the cruel man who has won her hand, he rips her life apart. A strapping cowboy, half-feral and fully terrifying, saves her life from her ex-fiancé’s vengeance. When her only hope is to escape to America beside the stranger with the inhuman eyes and that thick, southern drawl, she’ll have to decide whether escaping her old life is worth leaving everything she knows behind. Gable Dawson has been running as a wolf for over a year, but saving Lucianna is breathing new life into the human form he left behind. To keep her safe, he’ll brave the rough waters of the Atlantic on a merchant ship, and travel back to the home in Colorado Springs he’s been avoiding for years. He’ll need the help of his pack to keep his woman safe. If anyone is worth facing his sordid past for, it’s Lucianna. And if he can claim his...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 178 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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In addition to the copious typographical errors, I felt like the pacing was a bit flawed toward the end of this book. But it was still really readable and memorable, more so than many of the more pristine books I've read. So it gets 5 stars. :-) My favorite one of this series!!I adored this book! I liked the others in this series but this one was something special. Gable was part of that. He had been through so much but he went so far out of his way to protect Lucianna. She was amazingly strong and such a good character that I couldn't help but like her the best. Between the... OK, so here we have another great heroine! (Not as good as Kristina, but still good!)Lucianna is a high born English lady that find herself the only survivor (barely!) of her family. Her spurned fianc killed everybody, her parents and her little brother too, in her country manor. The last Dawson's brother, Gable, while in wolf form...

Hedda's Sword

Contains murder and mayhem, drugs and slavery, patricide and references to a memory of rape. Take one narcissistic queen bent on genocide, an assassin nun made of ice and a hero convinced he can change the course of Fate...

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The ruthless Chimera – a new villain with links to Aquaman’s past – has arrived to destroy the King of the Seven Seas, and Arthur may not be powerful enough to stop him! Meanwhile, with threat after threat demanding his attention, it’s fallen to Mera to hold Atlantis...

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A new era begins for John Stewart and the Green Lantern Corps!The Guardians are dead leaving the Corps to fend for itself. But the damage has been done to the galaxy and the Green Lanterns are in...

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رسالة من شبح

منذ ثماني سنوات والدكتور دايفيد بِك يستعيد رعب تلك الليلة. لا يزال يعيشه كلّ يوم. صفحة البحيرة المتلألئة. ضوء القمر الشاحب. الصرخات المدوّية. تلك الليلة الملعونة التي فقد فيها زوجته... تلك الليلة التي رآها...

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