Shakespeare's Spy

A Mystery, Young Adult, Fiction book. I hurried after Sam, calling, "You might wait for us!" The last word, though it was but one syllable,...

Things are disappearing mysteriously from Will Shakespeare's acting company, and it looks like an inside job. Everyone's eyes are on Widge, the orphan boy turned actor, and former thief. Widge knows better than anyone that Shakespeare's plays must be protected at all costs. In order to prove his innocence and clear his name, Widge must learn a new...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 288 pages
  • ISBN: 9780142403112 / 142403113
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We'd best find Sal Pavy now, afor some scanderbag pounds him into a pudding and takes all his money." "Some SCANDERBAG?" "Aye. What's wrong wi' that?" Sam shook his head. "How long have you been in London?" "Nearly two years. Why?" "You still sound as though you'd arrived from Yorkshire yesterday. Gary L. Blackwood, Shakespeare's Spy // I hurried after Sam, calling, "You might wait for us!" The last word, though it was but one syllable, covered two octaves, for my voice broke, as it had been doing lately with alarming frequency. Sam turned back with a mischievous grin on his face. "Was that your voice cracking, or were you attempting to yodel? Gary L. Blackwood, Shakespeare's Spy // It occurred to me, then, how nearly real life resembles the first rehearsal of a play. We are all of us stumbling through it, doing our best to say the proper lines and make the proper moves, but not quite comfortable yet in the parts we've been given. Still, like players who trust that -despite all evidence to the contrary- the whole mess will make sense eventually, we keep on going, hoping that somehow things will work out for the best. Gary L. Blackwood, Shakespeare's Spy //

One of the few histrical fiction books that has captured him favortism. I would read this book again soooo many times, if I could find it again! I reccomend it to any shakespeare lover or to any child in middle school who wants a good book to read. "So it was the thing I had feared the most-more than the death of the queen, more than the plague itself-had come to pass." P. 195 This is how that main character, Widge, feels when he is accused of stealing costumes from his own acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men. This book Shakespeare's Spy of the sequal to Shakespeare's Stealer... This final installment to Blackwood's trilogy is worth the read for the Julia storyline. The Judith story and primary romance in the novel was boring and, quite frankly, pointless, but the novel is still worth the read!

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