Miss Bunting

A British Literature, Fiction, Historical book. Quit about a quarter of the way through. Had some of the feel of a book written 100 years...

The carefully observed separation of the old and the new social strata is upset when representatives of each come together in the sphere of Miss Bunting- the governess who has molded most of the country's upper class. Under Miss Bunting's tutelage, Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Fielding, renews an old school acquaintance with the daughter of Hogglestock's successful, albeit not genteel, iron master. "We must move with the times," says the unflappable governess when Lady Fielding questions the suitability of this association. With characteristics aplomb, Miss Bunting takes girls and situation both firmly in hand and sets all things to right.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 295 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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