The Falling Sky

A Contemporary, Fiction, Did Not Finish book. I read a review somewhere that said that they did not enjoy the interjection of the authors...

A blackly comic campus satire combined with a heart-breaking family mystery, The Falling Sky brilliantly mixes fiction and astronomy into a fascinating, compelling, and moving narrative.Jeanette is a young, solitary post-doctoral researcher who has dedicated her life to studying astronomy. Struggling to compete in a prestigious university department dominated by egos and incompetents, and caught in a cycle of brief and unsatisfying affairs, she travels to a mountaintop observatory in Chile to focus on her research. There Jeanette stumbles...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 263 pages
  • ISBN: 9781908754141 / 1908754141
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More About The Falling Sky

I read a review somewhere that said that they did not enjoy the interjection of the authors field of study (astronomy) in to the story, but reading that, it intrigued me enough to enter to win this book thru Goodreads. Well I won it thru Goodreads First Reads program and when I read it, I thought the author had woven a pretty good story... Lovely account about how is like to do science (astronomy in particular) and how the entire process is influenced by the personal life of the scientists doing it. It is so beautiful to read how for the main character her own search of meaning in her life pushes the questions that drive the very motion of science. I bought this book in a Blackwells 3-for-2 offer without knowing anything more about it than the cover blurb, but I am very glad I did. I was drawn to it largely by the fact that the story is set mostly in Edinburgh, in the astronomical observatory on Blackford Hill, a location which I know very well. It is rare to encounter Edinburgh...

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The Mini-Fast Diet: Burn Fat Faster Than Ever with the Simple Science of Intermittent Fasting

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