The True Memoirs of Little K

A Russian History, Abandoned, Literary Fiction book. So whatever you think of me, don't pity me. I had...

Exiled in Paris, tiny, one-hundred-year-old Mathilde Kschessinska sits down to write her memoirs before all that she believes to be true is forgotten. A lifetime ago, she was the vain, ambitious, impossibly charming prima ballerina assoluta of the tsar’s Russian Imperial Ballet in St. Petersburg. Now, as she looks back on her tumultuous life, she can still recall every slight she ever suffered, every conquest she ever made.Kschessinka’s riveting storytelling soon thrusts us into a world lost to time: that great intersection of the Russian court and the Russian theater. Before the revolution, Kschessinska dominated that world as the greatest dancer of her age. At seventeen, her crisp, scything technique made her a star. So did her romance with the tsarevich Nicholas Romanov, soon to be Nicholas II. It was customary for grand dukes and sons of tsars to draw their mistresses from the ranks of the ballet, but it was not customary for them to fall in love.The affair could not endure: when Nicholas ascended to the throne as tsar, he was forced to give up his mistress, and Kschessinska turned for consolation to his cousins,...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 378 pages
  • ISBN: 9780374207304 / 374207305
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More About The True Memoirs of Little K

There is no greater pleasure than winning a competition with one's sister and no greater sorrow than to see her suffer because of it. Adrienne Sharp, The True Memoirs of Little K // So whatever you think of me, don't pity me. I had a beautiful life. I was loved, admired, feted, copied, mocked, treasured, and feared. I am one hundred years old and I am no longer afraid of anything. Adrienne Sharp, The True Memoirs of Little K //

Protagonista della storia Mathilde Kshessinska, colei che per decenni occup un posto di rilievo ai Teatri Imperiali russi come ballerina. Il posto di rilievo lo occup anche nel letto dell'ultimo Zar, Nicola II o, come lo chiamava lei, Niki.Con questo libro l'autrice ha scelto di romanzare la storia di questa donna, lasciando che sia... I'm not a ballet person (though I'd love to take some adult classes) and don't know much beyond the popular lore about Russian history in the early 20th century, but I still found a LOT to interest me in this book.As usual, Adrienne Sharp's writing is beautiful! Just hearing her words inside your head as you read is a wonderful experience!I... I always loved ballet, and with sensations such as Black Swan and ballerina fashion taking center stage, this topic has never been more popular. Sharp does not dive into the performance aspect of the plot, instead focusing on the inner workings of an imperfect narrator. It was also engaging and provoking to read about the Russian Revolution...

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