Englar alheimsins

Fáar sögur hafa hitt íslensku þjóðina jafnrækilega í hjartastað og saga Páls, allt frá draumi mömmu hans nóttina áður en hann fæddist og þar til yfir lýkur, enda er hún gædd einstakri hlýju og húmor.Englar alheimsins hefur notið fádæma vinsælda ungra jafnt sem eldri...

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A Doll's House

A Doll's House, written two years after The Pillars of Society, was the first of Ibsen's plays to create a sensation and is now perhaps his most famous play, and required reading in many secondary schools and universities. The play was...

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خرده جنایت‌های زناشوهری

ژیل بر اثر حادثه‌ای مرموز دچار فراموشی می‌شود. همسرش لیزا او را به خانه می‌آورد اما ژیل حافظه‌اش را از دست داده است و سعی می‌کند از صحبت‌ها و تعریف‌های همسرش گذشته را بازسازی کند و هویت خود را باز یابد. اما...

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The Return

From Publishers Weekly:When schoolteacher Catherine Fane travels to rural Kentucky to fulfill her guardian's last wishes by burying the woman's body near the cabin where she lived years before, she...

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R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots

Written in 1920, R.U.R. premiered in Prague in 1921, and was first performed in New York in 1922, garnering worldwide acclaim for its author and popularizing the word "robot". Mass-produced as efficient laborers to serve humans, Capek's Robots are an android product....

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Feb 19th, 2017
Miles Gloriosus - Aulularia

Testo latino a frontePoco sappiamo della vita di Plauto. Secondo Gellio, la passione che nutriva per il teatro e per l'organizzazione di spettacoli l'avrebbe portato addirittura alla rovina economica. La sua opera risale al periodo delle guerre puniche, negli anni in cui si va...

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Married to His Lies

Shontay Holloway is as faithful as they come when it comes to her husband, Kenny. For eight years she's been his support system physically and financially. She's managed to overlook...

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Julius Caesar

In this striking tragedy of political conflict, Shakespeare turns to the ancient Roman world and to the famous assassination of Julius Caesar by his republican opponents. The play is one of tumultuous rivalry, of prophetic warnings�--"Beware...

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