Englar alheimsins

A Fiction, Contemporary, Scandinavian Literature book. . Einar Mr Gumundsson, Angels of the Universe //

Fáar sögur hafa hitt íslensku þjóðina jafnrækilega í hjartastað og saga Páls, allt frá draumi mömmu hans nóttina áður en hann fæddist og þar til yfir lýkur, enda er hún gædd einstakri hlýju og húmor.Englar alheimsins hefur notið fádæma vinsælda ungra jafnt sem eldri lesenda og verið þýdd á fjölmörg tungumál. Fyrir hana hlaut Einar Már Guðmundsson bókmenntaverðlaun Norðurlandaráðs árið 1995.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 0 pages
  • ISBN: 9789979401438 / 9979401435
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Naravno, ja razumem stvarnost isto toliko slabo koliko i ona mene razume. U tom pogledu smo kvit. Meni stvarnost, meutim,ne duguje objanjenje, a ja joj, evo, oduujem svoje.Bilo bi, u svakom sluaju,lepo kada bih mogao da odgovorim kao nemaki filozof Hegel kada je neko primetio da njegova uenja nisu u skladu sa injenicama: Tim gore po injenice.Tako mogu da piu pesnici.Tako mogu da govore filozofi.Ali mi,koje alju u ludnice i smetaju u kojekakve ustanove, mi nemamo odgovor kad nam se ideje ne podudaraju sa stvarnou, jer su u naem svetu drugi u pravu i drugi... . , , , , . , , , . . , , . . , . Einar Mr Gumundsson, Angels of the Universe // . Einar Mr Gumundsson, Angels of the Universe //

Amazing. Must read for anyone everywhere! Il punto di vista visionario e criptico sul senso della (propria) vita di un uomo annegato nella follia. Una lettura non sempre facile, ma ricca di fascino, che si impara a comprendere a lettura conclusa. Lasciatevi guidare. Ejner Mar Gudmundsson is a rather young auther from Iceland. Though he is not well known in the rest of the world, he is famous in Scandinavia, has recieved the most honourable literature prize in Scandinavia (Nordisk Raads Literaturpris, 1995). His works are translated to many languages in the area, also to German and some other languages,...

Jan 23rd, 2016

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The Last Phoenix

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The First Great Ocean Liners in Photographs: 193 Views, 1897-1927

Sumptuous volume recalls the glorious early years of elegant transatlantic travel. Over 190 historic photographs depict exterior and interior views of 101 great ocean liners, including the Virginian, Imperator, Vaterland, Bismarck, Lusitania, Mauretania, Balmoral...

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Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition

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Some Enchanted Season: A Football Romance

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رسالة من شبح

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