J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century

A History, Biography, Literary Criticism book. Popularity does not guarantee literary quality, as everybody knows, but it never comes about for no reason. Nor are...

Recent polls have consistently declared that J.R.R. Tolkien is "the most influential author of the century," and The Lord of the Rings is "the book of the century." In support of these claims, the prominent medievalist and scholar of fantasy Professor Tom Shippey now presents us with a fascinating companion to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, focusing in particular on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. The core of the book examines The Lord of the Rings...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 384 pages
  • ISBN: 9780618257591 / 618257594
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More About J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century

The magic of Lothlrien has many roots (some of them to be discussed later on), but there is one thing about it which is again highly traditional, but also in a way a strong re-interpretation and rationalization of tradition. There are many references to elves in Old English and Old Norse and Middle English, and indeed in modern English belief in them seems to have lasted longer than is the case with any of the other non-human races of early native mythology but one story which remains strongly consistent is the story about the mortal going into Elfland,... Popularity does not guarantee literary quality, as everybody knows, but it never comes about for no reason. Nor are those reasons always and necessarily feeble or meretricious ones, though there has long been a tendency among the literary and educational elite to think so. To give just one example, in my youth Charles Dickens was not regarded as a suitable author for those reading English Studies at university, because for all his commercial popularity (or perhaps because of his commercial popularity) he had been downgraded from being a novelist to being... Why could Tolkien not be more like Sir Thomas Malory, asked [Edwin] Muir, in the third Observer review of those cited above, and give us heroes and heroines like Lancelot and Guinevere, who ' knew temptation, were sometimes unfaithful to their vows,' were engagingly marked by adulterous passion? But T.H. White had already considered that paradigm, was indeed rewriting it at the same time as Tolkien in The Once and Future King; and he had seen the core of Malory's work not in romantic vice but in the human urge to murder. In White the poisonous adder...

An interesting, scholastic biography, not of Tolkien but of his greatest works, notably the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. It portrays with great care his estimation of tradition and story-telling in society and how an important element of that, moral narrative and allegory, has either completely vanished from his... http://speloncalibro.blogspot.it/2014... In Tom Shippeys book, *J. R. R. Tolkien, Author of the Century*, the professor examines the works of Tolkien, and the reasons for the positive and negative reactions from fans and academics to the works. A thing needs to be said about the title used. In the book, which was written in 2002, the author examines the disconnect between...

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