An Abundance of Katherines

A Teen, Realistic Fiction, Road Trip book. How do you just stop being terrified of getting left behind and ending up by yourself...

When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton's type happens to be girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact. He's also a washedup child prodigy with ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a passion for anagrams, and an overweight, Judge Judy-obsessed best friend. Colin's on a mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which will predict the future of all relationships, transform him from a fading prodigy into a true genius, and finally win him the girl. Letting expectations go and allowing love in are at the heart of Colin's hilarious quest to find his missing piece and...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 228 pages
  • ISBN: 9780142412022 / 142412023
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More About An Abundance of Katherines

We fatties have a bond, dude. It's like a secret society. We got all kinds of shit you don't know about. Handshakes, special fat people dances-we got these secret fugging lairs in the center of the earth and we go down there in the middle of the night when all the skinny kids are sleeping and eat cake and friend chicken and shit. Why d'you think Hollis is still sleeping, kafir? Because we were up all night in the secret lair injecting butter frosting into our veins. ...A fatty trusts another fatty. John Green, An Abundance of Katherines // The feeling of loving her and being loved by her welled up in him, and he could taste the adrenaline in the back of his throat, and maybe it wasn't over, and maybe he could feel her hand in his again and hear her loud, brash voice contort itself into a whisper to say I-love-you as if it were a secret, and an immense one. John Green, An Abundance of Katherines // There's some people in this world who you can just love and love and love no matter what. John Green, An Abundance of Katherines //

I fully understand that disliking a John Green book is tantamount to asking to be shot in the head, tarred-n-feathered, and thrown in a flaming box over a cliff into a gorge of molten lava. I know that, I get that, I apologize to all whose lives I've destroyed with my hatredy.But, man, I did NOT like this book.I'm going to start by... Colin Singleton is not a vampire or a werewolf or a sorcerer or a punning Austin zombie. He doesnt live in a dystopian society, he hasnt slept with his teacher. He doesnt do drugs, his parents arent divorced, and hes suffered no traumas unless you count being dumped by a slew (okay, nineteen) of girls named Katherine. So, why am I reading... As a YA author, I'd heard the name "John Green" whispered in the YA wind for months, but I'd never picked up one of his books until I read a synopsis for AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES online. My husband, a pretty reluctant reader, snitched it from me and devoured it, so I was expecting great things.I wasn't disappointed. This story of...

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