Jan 9th, 2017

Hunger For Justice

A Romance book. My review posted at: http://bookcrushbookreviews.com//?s=H...Rating: 4.0-4.5 starsWhat would you do if you believed your father & brother were...

Have you ever felt a hunger so intense it blinds you from everything else in your life? For Claire Moore, her hunger for justice is her coping mechanism, her reason for getting out of bed each morning, struggling to face her day to day life alone after her father and brother were violently taken from her. Other nineteen year olds are at parties and studying at University, living the fun naïve life of a teenager, but in the world of Claire, there was nothing left for her other than the desperate hunger for justice. Unfortunately it’s this hunger that’s driven everyone who cares for her away, unable to watch her place herself in danger any longer and that includes her teenage love, Talon Baker. But true love never really dies and after stumbling upon information to the identity of their murderers, together Talon and Claire are hunted until they can figure out the clues her father left for them. Through her hunger for justice, Claire grows by relinquishing control of her fight and allowing others to love her, even though the fear of losing them is too...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 314 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Hunger For Justice

For more reviews visit my blog - Hook Me Up Book BlogThis book is set in Australia and I absolutely loved that! It tells the story of Claire who is hell bent on finding whoever was responsible for the murders of her father and brother. Claire is a strong character and I found it refreshing to read a story with a female main character... Great job, Kerri! Looking forward to the next one!! My review posted at: http://bookcrushbookreviews.com//?s=H...Rating: 4.0-4.5 starsWhat would you do if you believed your father & brother were murdered? Well Claire..she's out to find whomever did this to her only family. Along the way she runs back into her crush/brothers best friend. Who can she trust..she feels like no one!! Kerri...

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