Feb 29th, 2016

The Owl Always Hunts At Night

A Thriller, Crime, Fiction book. I really enjoyed Im Travelling Alone by Samuel Bjork and was looking forward to reading the second novel...

Sandefjords rikeste skipsreder ligger for døden. Han har én betingelse før eldstesønnen arver formuen: Urent blod skal ikke blandes i slekten – sønnen får ikke gifte seg med noen med barn fra før. Men hans utkårede har både en sønn på to og en datter på fire.Barna sendes bort,og paret vies i hemmelighet, men ekteskapet blir kort, dystert og blodig. Flere år senere vender søskenparet tilbake. Når en ung kvinne blir funnet drept, i en makaber stilling og overstrødd med fuglefjær, begynner noen å se sammenhenger fra en annen tid. Etterforskerne Munch og Krüger er overhodet ikke forberedt på ondskapen de blir konfrontert med i saken.Uglen er andre bok i serien om Holger Munch og Mia Krüger.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 416 pages
  • ISBN: 9780857522535 / 857522531
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More About The Owl Always Hunts At Night

I really enjoyed Im Travelling Alone by Samuel Bjork and was looking forward to reading the second novel featuring Holger Munch and Mia Kruger. When a botanist stumbles over a dead teenage girl in a forest clearing; posed in a pentagon, surrounded by feathers and with a white lily in her mouth, Munch is called to investigate the strange... ***Actual rating 4.5 / 5***After reading and reviewing the truly exceptional Im Travelling Alone waaaay back in 2015 I have eagerly awaited the return of the homicide investigative team with their very private lives and tells that manifest themselves when things arent going so well.Im thrilled to see Holger Munch back at the helm solving... This is dark and bleak Nordic noir set in Norway. It is the second in the Holger Munch and Mia Kruger series and the first I have read. It works reasonably well as a standalone. It begins with Tom Petterson, a botanist, discovering the dead body of a emaciated teenager. There are signs of rituals attached to the murder with the presence...

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