
A Teen, Fantasy, Fiction book. Whos the bigger liar?Me or them?Isnt lying about love the worst...

Micah will freely admit she's a compulsive liar, but that may be the one honest thing she'll ever tell you. Over the years she's fooled everyone: her classmates, her teachers, even her parents. And she's always managed to stay one step ahead of her lies. That is, until her boyfriend dies under...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 9 pages
  • ISBN: / 9781441802
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Really, according to the shrinks, I am angry at everyone ever. Especially them.I am all anger and resentment all the time.Not one of them has ever suggested that maybe I lie because the world is better the way I tell it. Justine Larbalestier, Liar // Whos the bigger liar?Me or them?Isnt lying about love the worst lie? Isnt that worse than anything Ive ever done? Justine Larbalestier, Liar // My father is a liar and so am I.But Im going to stop. I have to stop.I will tell you my story and I will tell it straight. No lies, no omissions.Thats my promise.This time I truly mean it. Justine Larbalestier, Liar //

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This is the worst book I've ever read. Yes, I've said it, and I bloody well think I mean it.The premise sounded interesting: Imagine a novel told by a pathological liar who tells the reader on page one that she's here to finally tell you the truth. The... Alright.So, stick your thumb out. Start with it pointing directly up, and then blow a rasberry as you slowly turn it down, gaining momentum as you get farther and farther to pointing directly down. Finally, after its done a full 180 degrees, turn it hopefully back up about 30 degrees before finally just giving up and dropping it all... This is difficult. Hard to talk about without ruining anything, and also hard to really describe as an experience, let alone rate. This is a book about a seventeen-year-old black girl who is dating someone else's boyfriend, until he is brutally murdered. She's also a liar whether pathological to the point where she believes her own...

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رسالة من شبح

منذ ثماني سنوات والدكتور دايفيد بِك يستعيد رعب تلك الليلة. لا يزال يعيشه كلّ يوم. صفحة البحيرة المتلألئة. ضوء القمر الشاحب. الصرخات المدوّية. تلك الليلة الملعونة التي فقد فيها زوجته... تلك الليلة التي رآها فيها للمرّة الأخيرة.يقولون له آن الأوان لتمضي في حياتك قدمًا، ولتنسى الماضي نهائيًّا. ولكن،...

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