Dec 1st, 2016

Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels

A Fiction, Humor, Classics book. They spoke as though these Princes are so remote from life as we know it that the smallest sign of...

Contains: The Pursuit of LoveLove in a Cold ClimateThe BlessingFollow PenguinNancy Mitford's Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels casts a finely gauged net to capture perfectly the foibles and fancies of the English upper class, and includes an introduction by Philip Hensher in Penguin Modern Classics. Nancy Mitford's brilliantly witty, irreverent stories of the upper classes in pre-war London and Paris conjure up a world of glamour, gossip and decadence. In The Pursuit of Love, Love in a Cold Climate and The Blessing, her extraordinary heroines deal with armies of hilariously eccentric relatives, the excitement of love and passion, and the thrills of the social Season. But beneath the glittering surfaces and perfectly timed comic dialogue, Nancy Mitford's novels are also touching hymns to a lost era and to the brevity of life...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 512 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels

They spoke as though these Princes are so remote from life as we know it that the smallest sign of humanity, the mere fact even that they communicated by means of speech was worth noting and proclaiming. Nancy Mitford, Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels // You've no idea how long life goes on and how many, many changes it brings. Young people seem to imagine that it's over in a flash, that they do this thing, or that thing, and then die, but I can assure you they are quite wrong. Nancy Mitford, Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels // Sonia's terribly fond of juggling with people's lives. I never shall forget when she made me go to her doctor...I can only say he very nearly killed me. It's not her fault if I'm here today. She's entirely unscrupulous. She gets a hold over people much too easily, with her charm and her prestige, and then forces her own values on them. Nancy Mitford, Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels //

Absolutely loved The Pursuit of Love and was devastated at the abrupt ending. A perfectly fitting ending but somehow still unexpected. This book contains three stories, the first is The Pursuit of Love. Both the first and second (Love in a Cold Climate) stories are taken from Fanny's account of her cousins. The first, Linda from Alconleigh and the second Polly Montdore. The final story is The Blessing and is independant of the others, the only link being the name of... These books are both interesting and revolting at the same time. A writer with a flair for humour, Nancy Mitford herself is a genuine uber-blue blooded aristocratic with all the frills including a massive country house, hunting on horseback etc. A terrible snob, but still warm hearted. Since this is marginally autobiographical, I'd...

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