Mar 15th, 2016

Magic Can Be Murder

A Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult book. Throughout the entire book I kept thinking to myself, "If you...

Nola isn't much of a witch. She can work only a few useless spells, like the one that lets her spy on people by enchanting a bucket of water. But there's no spell for keeping her mother-who hears voices and is a magnet for witch-hunters-out of trouble. The two of them evade the authorities by traveling from town to town, taking odd jobs and moving on-until the day Nola magically witnesses a murder. . . .

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 208 pages
  • ISBN: 9780142302101 / 142302104
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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. the book was great! I feel like if you like mystrey and some romance, this is the book for you! Nola, the main charactor, is a witch, and she and her insane mother travle all over the place and try not to get caught. then they get to the little town of... Nola is a young witch (17) who, when she was younger, didn't understand that magic is to be kept secret, away from others; otherwise, a person can be accused of being an witch and end up dead. Her mother is also a witch and they have to keep moving from town to town to avoid anyone finding out about their abilities.One day Nola has... Throughout the entire book I kept thinking to myself, "If you tell a lie, you have to tell another to cover that one, then another, and another. . . " That is exactly what happened to Nola in this book. Luckily for her (and thanks to the author's ability to affect changes), it all works out happily ever after. I wasn't impressed.

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