Resenting the Hero

A Adventure, Fiction, High Fantasy book. My eyebrows couldnt go any higher, so there was no way I could express the increase in my surprise. Moira...

In a realm beset by natural disasters, only the magical abilities of the bonded Pairs—Source and Shield—make the land habitable and keep the citizenry safe. The ties that bind them are far beyond the relationships between lovers or kin—and last their entire lives…Whether they like it or not.Since she was a child, Dunleavy Mallorough has been nurturing her talents as a Shield, preparing for her day of bonding. Unfortunately, fate decrees Lee’s partner to be the legendary, handsome, and unbearably self-assured Lord Shintaro Karish. Sure, he cuts a fine figure with his aristocratic airs and undeniable courage. But Karish’s...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 308 pages
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What Id always said in jest suddenly struck me as truth. Karish was something else, something other. I stared at him with wonder. Holy hell, I muttered.He was looking at me warily. Dont you start, Lee, he said, almost pleading. I mean it. Really.All right. I could keep my mouth shut. Adoration wasnt my style, anyway. Moira J. Moore, Resenting the Hero // My eyebrows couldnt go any higher, so there was no way I could express the increase in my surprise. Moira J. Moore, Resenting the Hero // He was an ignorant mushroom Moira J. Moore, Resenting the Hero //

What the hell did I just read? This is one of those "so bad it's good" books.I wanted to DNF it a lot because Lee is like, super inept. This is a pretty good example of her: I studied some maps of Middle Reach and the surrounding areas, just because I thought I should. I didnt know what I was looking for, but studying maps seemed like... UPDATE: David informs me that my review is lean on real info about the book, for example . . . "Why would I want to read it?" So, here's a bone for those of you who like more of a teaser. (Don't worry, no spoilers.)In this world of extremes, the population is constantly threatened by violent atmospheric events (earthquakes, floods,... *3.5 starsI really enjoyed this book. Most of all, I was enchanted with one of the main characters - the shield. She was far from perfect and could be dense and such a fool but there's hope for her. She was stubborn in her ways as a result of being isolated and taught how to act and feel. You know what? She was somehow what I have envisioned...

Dragon Slayer

Ingram is a coward and weakling—at least according to his father, the king, and the royal court. He cannot use a sword, he faints at the sight of blood, and even his brilliant abilities as a strategist are not enough to overcome...

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Superboy, Vol. 5: Paradox

As a result of the crossover event FOREVER EVIL, Superboy and the Teen Titans become stranded in the future without a way back home. Howevever, as they become immersed deeper and deeper in their new setting, Conner Kent comes to...

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Apr 4th, 2016
The Last Minute

9.21am: business as usual on a high street in England.9.22am: the explosions are heard for miles around, and in the early confusion there is talk of a gas leak, a plane crash, and even terrorism . . .The people of Heathwick...

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Worlds' Finest, Vol. 2: Hunt And Be Hunted

Stranded on our earth over five years ago, these two heroes from Earth 2 are forced to fight evil in strange new surroundings, all while trying to find their way home. Power Girl and Huntress continue to find links back to their home world, but...

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The New York Times best-selling creative team Grant Morrison and Rags Morales' landmark run on Action Comics ends here in Superman: Action Comics, Volume 3: At the End of Days!Five years ago, Clark Kent moved to Metropolis. Alone but hopeful, he donned a simple t-shirt laden with a giant S,...

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Hedda's Sword

Contains murder and mayhem, drugs and slavery, patricide and references to a memory of rape. Take one narcissistic queen bent on genocide, an assassin nun made of ice and a hero convinced he can change the course of Fate by his will alone. Add a true queen...

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The Annotated Lolita

Humbert Humbert - scholar, aesthete and romantic - has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady's gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit of romance; but when Lo herself starts...

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Playing the Game

Mr Perfect. Blake WilkinsQuarterback at Iowa State. Projected 1st round draft pick by New England. Captain of the Cyclones. English major and all around good guy. He could have his pick of any of the smokin’ hot babes on campus. ...

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الجيش والثورة - قصة الأيام الأخيرة

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Falling for a coworker is rarely a good idea, especially for a man getting a last chance at salvaging his career. But from the moment Dwyer Knolls sees the beautiful...

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He found out he was a father...One glance at the doe-eyed girl in the photo melted the icy walls around Zeke Chambers's heart. Till then, he'd kept his past secret, his feelings hidden. But now he...

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Billy Budd and Other Tales

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