Satan Took a Bride

A Harlequin, Romance, Category Romance book. The book is so romantic. I really liked it. There are some quotes, that seems...

"Toni," he said, "I can't just let you go out into the world, so that you can give your hungry little heart to the next rotter who comes along. Nor can I take you eternally sailing as my cabin boy. I can only make you my wife...."With every particle of her lonely young heart, Toni Fleet wanted to be with Luque de Mayo in whatever capacity he asked of her, but that didn't quiet her youthful apprehension about the future.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 186 pages
  • ISBN: 9780263719734 / 263719731
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More About Satan Took a Bride

I read it! I couldn't help it, despite the lackluster reviews I couldn't get it out of my head. Ship at sea, runaway urchin girl-dressed-as-a-boy. I just love that stuff too much to resist taking a peek.It wasn't bad. It reminded me a lot of These Old Shades, another one I devoured simply for its girl-disguised-as-boy theme, and it... The book is so romantic. I really liked it. There are some quotes, that seems to appeal to my mental condition. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Youngster escapes the clutches of abusive nuns by vaulting over the wall of her convent, gains her freedom...for five minutes, before falling into clutches of aging Lothario. So much for freedom. It's Marriage of Convenience time. He's a devil. She's an...

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