Aug 8th, 2016

O tabuleiro dos deuses

A Fantasy book. Uma leitura muito boa com uma construo de mundo acima da mdia. O autor foi muito feliz...

Em Crônicas de Atlântida – O tabuleiro dos deuses, romance de estreia de Antonio Luiz M. C. Costa, editor e colunista na revista CartaCapital, os deuses começaram mais uma partida de um jogo milenar secreto no qual o mundo fantástico de Kishar é o tabuleiro e os heróis humanos seus peões. Mas até eles serão surpreendidos com o desenrolar dos acontecimentos, pois novos jogadores se intrometem para mudar as regras e virar a mesa, enquanto as peças se rebelam e querem decidir seus próprios destinos.Baseada em diversas fontes, como os escritos de Platão e referências esotéricas, a reconstrução da lendária Atlântida é de um detalhamento impressionante, e a viagem do leitor enquanto acompanha as descobertas da sensual xamã Tiakat, do idealista guerreiro Sistu e da exótica e da talentosa Tjummyen será inesquecível.Para esse triângulo amoroso, a fantástica capital e seus segredos será uma rede que os envolverá nas mais altas intrigas em um mundo no qual a magia, a religião e...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 472 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About O tabuleiro dos deuses

Uma leitura muito boa com uma construo de mundo acima da mdia. O autor foi muito feliz ao construir uma estrutura social muito slida capaz de sustentar todo e qualquer plot no qual ele envolvesse os personagens.Entretanto, o ponto mais forte da escrita do autor o seu ponto mais fraco tambm. Ao mesmo tempo em que ele tem um world building...

Feb 14th, 2017
Growing Pains

Trouble is growing in paradise, as Mark moves away from Blake and toward Todd. How can love survive when fear gets in the way? Things get complicated as Todd encourages Mark to spend time with him, behind Blake’s back. It’s a good thing Blake has Clay to fall...

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The Dead Girls' Dance

Claire has her share of challenges. Like being a genius in a school that favors beauty over brains; homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with the living dead. On the up side, she has a new boyfriend with...

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The Annotated Lolita

Humbert Humbert - scholar, aesthete and romantic - has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady's gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit...

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Superman: Action Comics, Volume 3: At the End of Days

The New York Times best-selling creative team Grant Morrison and Rags Morales' landmark run on Action Comics ends here in Superman: Action Comics, Volume 3: At the End of Days!Five years ago, Clark Kent moved...

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Jul 31st, 2016
Power Play

It was the perfect retreat for a troubled company. No cell phones. No BlackBerrys. No cars. Just a luxurious, remote lodge surrounded by thousands of miles of wilderness. All the top officers of the Hammond Aerospace...

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May 13th, 2017
Columbus and the Conquest of the Impossible

A highly readable and controversial portrait of a man driven by religion, influenced by mysticism, and, at best, a primitive navigator who barely knew how to use his ship's instruments....

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Robert is different. He has Asperger's Syndrome. He experiences the world differently to 99% of the population. Follow his entertaining and highly empathetic story as he struggles to realise and...

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Dogwood Days & Spring Fever

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Mar 3rd, 2017
Jester's Fortune

The year is 1796 and the soil of Piedmont and Tuscany runs with blood, another battle takes shape on the mysterious Adriatic Sea. Alan Lewrie and his 18-gun sloop, HMS Jester, part of a squadron of four British...

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Green Arrow, Volume 3: Harrow

Green Arrow is losing everything: his fortune, this company Q-Corps and maybe most importantly, his valuable arsenal. Even as Oliver Queen's grip loosens and what's left of his personal, professional and superhero...

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Resenting the Hero

In a realm beset by natural disasters, only the magical abilities of the bonded Pairs—Source and Shield—make the land habitable and keep the citizenry safe. The ties that bind them are far beyond the relationships...

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Dec 9th, 2016
The First Half

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