Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror

A Nonfiction, War, History book. Mahmood Mamdani view on the Darfur crisis,while it carried alot of valid points...

From the author of Good Muslim, Bad Muslim comes an important book, unlike any other, that looks at the crisis in Darfur within the context of the history of Sudan and examines the world’s response to that crisis. In Saviors and Survivors, Mahmood Mamdani explains how the conflict in Darfur began as a civil war (1987—89) between nomadic and peasant tribes over fertile land in the south, triggered by a severe drought that had expanded the Sahara Desert by more than sixty miles in forty years; how British colonial officials had artificially tribalized Darfur, dividing its population into “native” and “settler” tribes and creating homelands for the former at the expense of the latter; how the war intensified in the 1990s when the Sudanese government tried unsuccessfully to address the problem by creating homelands for tribes without any. The involvement of opposition parties gave rise in 2003 to two rebel movements, leading to a brutal insurgency and a horrific counterinsurgency–but not to genocide, as the West has declared.Mamdani also explains how the Cold War exacerbated the twenty-year civil war in...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 416 pages
  • ISBN: 9780307377234 / 307377237
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More About Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror

Mahmood Mamdani view on the Darfur crisis,while it carried alot of valid points from a Africa point of view.We just lost one of the men that influenced alot of whats happening in that region (Mr Ghadaffi) lets hope the African Union becomes more than a dummy union.the book had its good points but became too lengthy at times Brilliant! A must read book on Darfur, genocide and Saharan Africa. The middle chapters are hard and extremely detailed, but the book is unassailable in its critique of the Darfur movement. It's analysis of identity and colonialism is perfect. I'm psyched to have a signed copy! Read this! very, very dry and comprehensive history of darfur, has often been described as a denial of genocide in darfur.

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