The Heretic's Daughter

A Historical, Young Adult, North American Hi... book. A scarecrow was a thing of bold-faced tactics, out in the...

Martha Carrier was one of the first women to be accused, tried and hanged as a witch in Salem, Massachusetts. Like her mother, young Sarah Carrier is bright and willful, openly challenging the small, brutal world in which they live. Often at odds with one another, mother and daughter are forced to stand together against the escalating hysteria of the trials and the superstitious tyranny that led to the torture and imprisonment of more than 200 people accused of witchcraft. This is the story of Martha's courageous defiance and ultimate death, as told by the daughter who survived.Kathleen Kent is a tenth generation descendent of Martha Carrier. She paints a haunting portrait, not just of Puritan New England, but also of one family's deep and abiding love in the face of fear and persecution.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 356 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About The Heretic's Daughter

Men are always the last to ken what women know by sniffing the air. That's why God gave bodily might to Adam, to balance the inequities of strength. For if Eve had been given the power to serve her cunning and cruelty, there would have been a terrible reckoning for all mandkind, and the archangel would have trod on Adam's heels to escape paradise unsinged. Kathleen Kent, The Heretic's Daughter // A scarecrow was a thing of bold-faced tactics, out in the full light of day. A "murmet," the "r" softly rolling against the tongue spoke of murmuring stealth, as though it hunted marauding crows in the dark of twilight. Kathleen Kent, The Heretic's Daughter // Men are always the last to ken what women know by sniffing the air. That's why God gave bodily might to Adam, to balance the inequities in strength. for if Eve had been given the power to serve her cunning and cruelty, there would have been a terrible reckoning for all mankind, and the archangel would have trod on Adam's heels to escape paradise unsinged. Kathleen Kent, The Heretic's Daughter //

"Hyssop for cough. Rosemary for fever. A sprig of mint to cleanse ill humors from the mouth. Slippery elm for the midwife. Horse chestnut for stiffness of limb. Golden bough for palsy. But what is the cure for rage? And what of the tortures of a guilty mind? A seeping wound can be bound. Salve can be dabbed to a burn or a swelling bubo.... If you enjoy reading about the Salem Witch trials, this one is for you. I found it to be a sad book, but a good sad book. It's just hard to stomach that a handful of teenage girls could ruin so many people... The Heretic's Daughter..By Kathleen Kent....This was a sad time in history when suspitions were rampant. Many people were called witches and imprisioned because of the helping others when there was not a positive outcome. Medicine was called black magic. They thought some women were too proud and independent. They were pursecuted for...

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