
A Romance, Dragons, Fantasy book. ***4.5 Rating***This is my first book by Anyta Sunday. I loved all the Magic, Dragons,...

A curse threatens the Winter Kingdom.A brother is turned to ice.A rebel uprising is on the horizon.Marble-maker Rye Cunnings is at the center of it all—and doesn’t know it.He doesn’t know he’s the lost summer prince. Doesn’t know his blood can unlock Winter’s curse. Doesn’t know why the marbles he makes...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 330 pages
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While I liked the premise of the story, the overall execution ruined it for me. Maybe it was due to the fact I wasn't in the mood to even try and keep all the characters, factions, and POVs straight, but the story was a jumbled mess of too many characters without firm introductions and constant jumping between different characters'... What an excellent fantasy adventure with dragons, political intrigue, and violence. There's almost no sex and only a small amount of romance. Poor Rye is haunted by nightmares, is constantly used as a pawn, and is often betrayed. I just wanted to give him a hug. The other characters are well-developed.I just did not want this one to... ***4.5 Rating***This is my first book by Anyta Sunday. I loved all the Magic, Dragons, Drama, Love, and War in the Telluric Realm. Rye and Cerdic are the main characters, but the story follows several Telluric people and is told in multiple points of views. I absolutely loved the different story lines and how they came together. Cerdic,...

Clash of the Demons

War looms on the horizon.As the Spook's apprentice, Tom Ward must protect the County from the creatures of the dark. But now his mother has returned from her homeland to seek his help. A dangerous ancient...

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Jan 22nd, 2017

The people of Perizzi have survived the battlemage war, but their future is looking darker than ever.BYRNE is a Guardian of the Peace, investigating a series of murders in which the corpse...

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Boston socialite Morgan Lett is having a run of bad luck. Her fiancé just dumped her for her stepsister, the charity foundation she’s given her life to is in danger of folding, and now, the gorgeous man she bid on and won at...

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Hedda's Sword

Contains murder and mayhem, drugs and slavery, patricide and references to a memory of rape. Take one narcissistic queen bent on genocide, an assassin nun made of ice and a hero convinced he can change the course of Fate by his will alone. Add...

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رسالة من شبح

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