Sep 26th, 2015

Past Present

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  • Pages: 0 pages
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Sep 9th, 2016
Blue Days

Falling for a coworker is rarely a good idea, especially for a man getting a last chance at salvaging his career. But from the moment Dwyer Knolls sees the beautiful but socially awkward Takeo Hiroyuki, he seems destined to make bad decisions.Takeo’s life...

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Dec 9th, 2016
The First Half

College football’s hot-shot football star has his sites set on the Patriots, and Women on campus. *This is not a football-heavy story, so if you're not into sports, don't worry!...

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Billy Budd and Other Tales

This Signet Classics edition contains, in edition to Billy Budd, The Piazza, Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning-Rod Man, The Encantadas (or Enchanted Islands), The Bell-Tower, and The Town-Ho's Story from Moby Dick.Melville's short stories, somewhat neglected during his lifetime, are...

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Hedda's Sword

Contains murder and mayhem, drugs and slavery, patricide and references to a memory of rape. Take one narcissistic queen bent on genocide, an assassin nun made of ice and a...

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The Ambassador's Son

It's 1943 and the Americans and Japanese are fighting a deadly war in the hot, jungle-covered volcanic islands of the South Pacific. The outcome is in doubt and a terrible blow has fallen on American...

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Aug 28th, 2016

AFTERWORDWhen I am asked how I got the idea for any particular novel, I can (usually) provide an answer.For I Am Legend, it came while I was viewing Bela Lugosi's Dracula. It occurred to me that if one vampire is scary, what if...

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Everything Is Fine

Things haven't been going so well for fifteen-year-old Esther Armstrong. With her brother Max - her closest ally - absent, she's forced to face everything alone, not least her parents' heated arguments....

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Red Lanterns, Volume 5: Atrocities

The Reds have found their newest recruit: Supergirl! Guy Gardner is hardly equipped to handle a teenaged Kryptonian Red Lantern, so he heads for Earth and hand her off to her cousin, Superman!...

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Jun 12th, 2016
In a Lifetime

When Matt lays eyes on Ella, it’s love at first sight. At the very least, lust. But when fate steps in, Matt ends up playing Good Samaritan and losing the girl he wants to his best friend, Sam.When...

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DC Universe Presents, Vol. 3: Black Lightning and Blue Devil

From fan-favorite Mark Andreyko comes the next chapter of DC Universe Presents featuring the New 52 debut of Black Lightning and Blue Devil!The team of two VERY different heroes must work together to solve a mystery...

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Her Arizona Cowboy Brothers -

[Menage Amour: Erotic Sci-Fi Cowboy Menage a Quatre Romance, F/M/M/M, BDSM, sex toys] Arizona cowboy brothers, Kyle, Jake, and Ben Dexter, are the last of their kind. They need a Sybar woman in order...

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North Pole Reform School

Mistletoe Bell hates Christmas. So would you if you had a name like hers. Her Christmas-mad parents make the festive season last all year, and with another Christmas looming, Mis doesn’t think she can take any more. After her carelessness causes an accident at school, it seems...

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