Vann's Victory

A Fantasy, M M Romance, Paranormal book. This book takes place right after the events of the first book. Vann and Kip are on their...

Being a Dom in secret—being mated to another wolf in secret—is something Vann has always done, but now he has the chance to be open about his whole life.Vann grew up under the rule of an alpha at Crossways Compound, who controlled every aspect of his pack members’ lives. Used to obeying without question, Vann suddenly finds himself in a position where he can make his own decisions outside his sexual relationship. In the past, his trysts with his subby lover, Kip, have been in secret, snatched moments away from security cameras or listening devices. Now they’ve been welcomed at Highgate, a safe haven, life should work out beautifully.But there’s something Vann has to do first. He has to return to his childhood compound to right the wrongs that were done there. Along with Kip and members of the Highgate security team, Vann has to play the biggest role of his life so far in order to bring down the alpha at Crossways and rescue some cross-bred cubs. It isn’t going to be easy, going against someone he’s been conditioned to obey, but for the sake of his pack and the safety of the cubs, he’ll do whatever it...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 85 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Vann's Victory

Book two, Vann and Kips story mainly, we start up right where we left off, a plan in motion to rescue Vanns family and Kips half siblings from the evil Alphas brother in which Vann and Kip escaped. Vann is a nervous wreck but Kip, his sub and mate has a calming effect on him, which helps Vann focus to get the job done. Kip on the other... This book takes place right after the events of the first book. Vann and Kip are on their way to their old compound to help fix things. This compound is where Vann and Kip lived their lives in a prison. They had to do everything that was ordered of them or suffer. They needed to even keep their mating a secret from others as the whole... ThreeandHalfStarsThis book does suggest at an abusive home life and BDSM (heavier on the SM). If these bother you, do not read.This story, while detailed and intriguing just didnt hit it with me. The sex was hot, but the story fell kind of flat for me. I think it might have been better had the story been more about Kip and Vanns relationship...

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