The Lazarus Trap

A Crime, Christian Fiction, Mystery Thriller book. A steel door clapped open as a guard stepped from...

For Val Haines, dying may be the chance of a lifetime.Awakening in a jail cell and bleeding from his head, Val Haines remembers nothing. Not even his name.As his memory slowly begins to return, Haines discovers that the world thinks he's dead. If his nightmares ring true, it may be for the best. Around him brews a conspiracy of embezzlement and murder for hire, fueled by the rage of personal vendetta. As he searches for a safe haven, enigmatic Audrey beckons, but can she be trusted?With nothing but a few personal belongings and a sizable amount of cash, Haines must run. With his past behind him, he'll do anything to claim a new life for himself. Or die trying.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 352 pages
  • ISBN: 9781595541840 / 1595541845
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More About The Lazarus Trap

The afternoon's glory was tainted by the voice on the other end. "I was so very sorry not to have the pleasure of meeting you, Mr. Haines. You're not living up to your part of the bargain. Davis Bunn, The Lazarus Trap // A steel door clapped open as a guard stepped from the bulletproof viewing station across the hall. "Adams!" "That you?" "I told you, I don't know-" The cop pointed straight at him. "Jeffrey Adams! Front and center!" The black man helped him rise to his feet. "Ain't everybody gets called back from the pit, man. Question is, what are you gonna do when you find out who you are? Davis Bunn, The Lazarus Trap //

Good quick read. Val woke up in a holding cell! He didn't know who he was but his ID said Jeffery. He had cash in his pockets when released so he took a room and slowing bits of memory returned. An interesting story and I liked the fact that there was nothing offensive in the story. I'll likely pick up another of his books just for that reason.

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