The Ghost's Child

A Fantasy, Magical Realism, Fiction book. How can you know love, and lose it, and go on living without it, and not feel the loss forever?""You...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 192 pages
  • ISBN: 9781406313192 / 0
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More About The Ghost's Child

Love is like moonlight or thunder, or rain on a tin roof in the middle of the night; it is one of those things in life that is truly worth knowing. Sonya Hartnett, The Ghost's Child // On the evening of her eighteenth birthday, Maddy opened her journal and made a list of the jewels and precious stones she'd held. Gold, diamond, emerald; ruby, turquoise, pearl; amber, jade, marble There were some she had forgotten. Beneath these she listed what she thought were the most perfect tastes and smells. Coffee, cinnamon, peaches; vanilla, honey, basil; baking bread, fresh bread, toasting bread. Sonya Hartnett, The Ghost's Child // How can you know love, and lose it, and go on living without it, and not feel the loss forever?""You can't," Feather answered. "You feel the loss forever. But you put it in a corner of yourself, and bit by bit some of your sorrow changes into joy. And that's how you go on living. Sonya Hartnett, The Ghost's Child //

Id only read one of Sonya Hartnetts books previously, Shadows of the Side-Step Wolf, which is a young adult novel I read in high school. I was curious to read more and with my track record with book covers to go by there was no way I could go past this one given it's lovely illustrations. Im so pleased to say the book lived up to its... Edit: 7-20-16 I just have to quote this: What is the world's most beautiful thing? Later the young girl answers "Seagulls" Of course. Seagulls. This was the second answer since the first one she chose was "Victory." Do you know what her father said the answer was? "Her." How sweet. Edit: 7-22-16 Wow. Just wow. This was beautiful in... I'm reading this for Contemporary Children's Lit and according to my Prof, this is "simply divine and unlike anything you have ever read." It sounds exquisitely painful.For a novel its length, A Ghosts Child is surprisingly heavy where the themes are concerned. The book deals with self-discovery in a multitude of ways. Before the story...

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