The India Fan

A Gothic, Historical Romance, Romance book. It seemed I had briefly stepped into a world where people did wild things and paid...

Blackmail. Arson. Murder. Obsession.Beautiful as its peacock feathers may be, the priceless fan hidden deep within the Framling mansion has a legacy of death and destruction. And Drusilla Delany has no idea she's been marked by its curse...But the Fan's dark past might prove less of danger than Fabian Framling himself. Dark, brooding, and dominating, will be be the one to save her from the fan's cruel fate... or cause her demise?

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 416 pages
  • ISBN: 9781402277443 / 0
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More About The India Fan

They say that one chooses ones friends, but ones relations are thrust upon one. Victoria Holt, India Fan // I had come to the end of a path and I did not know which way to go. And there was the easy road to take and everyone was pushing me toward it. What Victoria Holt, India Fan // It seemed I had briefly stepped into a world where people did wild things and paid for them; but it had made me see that there was more to life than being comfortable and living one day after another, quietly, unadventurously, almost like waiting for death. Victoria Holt, The India Fan //

An enthralling read set partially in India at the time when the British Empire's control there became particularly tenuous. This had all the elements of a good story - a slow-burning romance between the sensible, "plain Jane" Drusilla and the dashing yet arrogantly domineering, wealthy aristocrat, Fabian. There was also a plethora of... For a woman we are told is "plain" (nearly as many times as we are told Fabian "kidnapped" her in infancy), she certainly does seem to attract male attention. I don't remember much about this book except that I did a book report on this book when I was fourteen. I made this book seem quite smutty to my classmates and thus fascinating until my teacher made me stop. I really played up the Lavinia character to be a tart. Another kid made the Lord of the Rings trilogy sound quite dull.

رسالة من شبح

منذ ثماني سنوات والدكتور دايفيد بِك يستعيد رعب تلك الليلة. لا يزال يعيشه كلّ يوم. صفحة البحيرة المتلألئة. ضوء القمر الشاحب. الصرخات المدوّية. تلك الليلة الملعونة التي فقد فيها زوجته... تلك الليلة التي رآها فيها للمرّة الأخيرة.يقولون له آن الأوان لتمضي في حياتك قدمًا، ولتنسى الماضي نهائيًّا. ولكن،...

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