Finn Family Moomintroll

A Fiction, Classics, Fantasy book. Moomintroll's mother and father always welcomed all their friends in the same...

A Moomintroll is small and shy and fat, and has a Moominpappa and a Moominmamma. Moomins live in the forests of Finland. They like sunshine, and sleep right through the winter. The snow falls and falls and falls where they live, until their houses look like great snowballs. But when spring comes, up they jump and - well, that was the moment when this story began, and Moomintroll found the Hobgoblin Hat.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 156 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Finn Family Moomintroll

It looks rather ordinary," said the Snork. "Unless you consider that a top hat is always somewhat extraordinary, of course. Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll // Antakaa minulle jotain vahvistavaa, Taikuri sanoi. - Tm alkaa kyd hermoilleni.Muumimamma juoksutti hnelle heti pannukakkua ja hilloa ja antoi hnelle suuren lautasen. Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll // The sea had changed. It was dark green now with white-horses, and the rocks shone yellow like phosphorus. Rumbling solemnly the thunder-storm came up from the south. It spread its black sail over the sea; it spread over half the sky and the lightning flashed with an ominous glint."It's coming right over the island," thought Snufkin with a thrill of joy and excitement. He imagined he was sailing high up over the clouds, and perhaps shooting out to sea on a hissing flash of lightning. Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll //

I loved this book! I thought it was utterly charming and so delightful, and all the adventures of the Moomins and their friends are just so much fun. I loved the writing, and the pictures are cute, as well. Most of this book takes place in the summer, so it was a great seasonal read for me, too. Read this one when I was seven...At the time, I didn't understand the concept of "Never judge a book by its cover" (and boy am I glad, as this book's just as good, if not better than it's awesome, mind-candy cover) and at first, I picked this one up solely based on the colorful illustrations on the jacket. It's still a favorite of mine... Made me travel back to my childhood, what a warm feeling, I used to watch it as a cartoon called and what a terrific world...

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